Hi! This is me again and this is the newest task that is given to me by my instructor. We created a podcast with Çağrı who is my classmate. And now I am telling you the content of it. We created a story podcast that include 10 different sound effects. Our story is about a pianist who is murdered by his neighbor because he didn’t listen to what the fortune teller said to him. Fortune teller said pianist that he shouldn’t buy a piano for his house. However, pianist William didn’t listen to his word and bought a new piano and that caused his death.
About the process, it was challenging because we wanted to add piano voices and our story should be about that piano. So, we created our story in 2 days. Then, adding our voices and adding different sound effects were also difficult because we should adjust the sound effects simultaneously with our voices. So, we used FL Studio which is a mixer program. It was also quite fun because adding those kinda sound effects into our own story was good.
If you ask me whether you would give a similar task to your students, I would say yes because it helps students to create something so it develops creativity. Also, when students create their own podcast they say to themself that this story is theirs they created that. However, the disadvantage is that it is challenging and some students might don’t know about using a mixer program. So that is all about my podcast. I hope you enjoy it. Goodbye.
Also, you can check Çağrı’s blog via this link.