Last Post!

Last but not least. This is my last post for this blog. I hope you enjoyed all of my posts because I have enjoyed all of them. It was pretty fun doing them. I didn’t think that we could integrate so much technology into our classes. However, after I took this class, all of my thoughts are changed because I saw that it is quite beneficial for language learners. Technology integration in ELT is a perfect option for teachers as it helps students to create amazing things and do these creative things in a foreign language. In the tasks completed by me, I liked most the podcast. Creating a podcast was perfect for classes because students should both socialize and create things. It is so helpful in terms of teaching oral communication skills. When I look at the task that I have done I mostly see creativity. I didn’t like infographics because I don’t think students can create such an informative thing. Because they should collect too much data, they will be bored. However, I liked this course so much. It gave me a lot in terms of teaching English through technology. So I want to thank my teacher Dr. Gokce Kurt who is a lecturer for this course. Also, I want to thank my readers. Goodbye!

Digital Storytelling!

Hello everyone! This is my last assignment for this semester. We created digital storytelling for this assignment. For this assignment, firstly we thought that we could use our podcast story. Then, we edited the story because it had flaws. After the editing process, we started to create animations. We did these animations in Pixton. It was a good site for creating comics but it has one affordance. When you are done with the animations, you have to pay to download them. Then, we thought we could screenshot these comics and then add our sounds to them. It was difficult to do it but eventually, we handled that. When we are creating comics, we had a lot of fun because we changed our characters’ faces, clothes, and hair. I think it can be done in the class with our students too because it makes students create a story in a foreign language. Also, they need to speak in a foreign language. So, I would probably use it in my classes for speaking activities and creative activities. We did this assignment with my friends İlhan Faruk Cihan and Selin Albay. They also have blogs on themselves. This is the link for Ilhan’s blog. And this is the link for Selin’s blog. Thank you for reading my blog. This was my last assignment. See you soon in my last post!

This is our project.

Creating an infographic!

Hello to my readers! Welcome to my newest post which is about creating an infographic. Creating an infographic is not a challenging process. However, you need to find reliable data about that infographic and the part of collecting data is a little bit time-consuming. I used ”Canva” for the template of an infographic. It was quite easy to find a good template. Also, editing on a template and adding some pictures to it is easy in ”Canva”. Creating an infographic can be useful for language learning students because they should check the sites written in foreign language and collect data from them. And, this activity exposure them to a foreign language. I would probably give my students this task in the future. Thank you for reading my post. Goodbye!

And this is my infographic.

Scandinavian Mythology Film Poster

Hello everyone! Welcome to my newest post which includes creating a film poster task. I created a film poster from the book Scandinavian Mythology written by Neil Gaiman. I used ”Canva” to create such a film poster. Canva is a very easy website because you can find plenty of pictures. Also, text templates are good. You can find the link to Canva here. I choose Scandinavian Mythology because it is easy to create a poster. First I found a picture that demonstrates the setting and the element. Then I added the other pieces of information. It was quite easy to accomplish this task because I love photoshop and adding text onto pictures. I would use the similar task to my students because it helps students to improve their creative skills and imagination skills with using the second language. And this is my film poster. I hope you enjoy my post and poster!

Teaching through websites

Hello everyone, this week in Padlet we created a KWL chart that includes three types of information: what we know, what we want to know, and what we learned. We were a group of 4 people.

First, we selected a topic and we gathered all the information we have about that topic.

Then, we discussed what we wanted to know about this topic and we shared questions with one another. And, we choose the reasonable ones.

In what we learned part we did amazing research. We looked for specific numbers and data. It was quite challenging to find these numbers but eventually, we found them. While doing these researches we learned a lot of things besides the answers that we added on what we learned part.

Using Padlet was so easy. It was quite helpful for creating a KWL chart. Also, embedding is easy on Padlet.

We learned how to learn and teach through websites and how to use helpful websites like Padlet in classes. This task showed us that technology can contribute to the lesson only with one click and one reading. We should use these websites and tools like Padlet in classes if we want to integrate technology into classes. Thank you for your attention. Also, you can find the KWL chart we created with my friends at this link.

Fight Club Film Review

Hello to my reader again. This is my newest post which is about reviewing a film. I reviewed Fight Club in this task. I chose Fight Club because its story is quite charming. Also, the psychological problem that the narrator has and his way of escaping this problem are very dramatic. Reviewing a film is not a challenging thing if you choose a film that you already watched. It was easy to review Fight Club because I know the main characters, main idea, and the events. Also, writing on a wiki page is very simple. I would absolutely use wikis with my students in the future if these wikis are reliable.

This is my review!

Cursed Piano Podcast

Hi! This is me again and this is the newest task that is given to me by my instructor. We created a podcast with Çağrı who is my classmate. And now I am telling you the content of it. We created a story podcast that include 10 different sound effects. Our story is about a pianist who is murdered by his neighbor because he didn’t listen to what the fortune teller said to him. Fortune teller said pianist that he shouldn’t buy a piano for his house. However, pianist William didn’t listen to his word and bought a new piano and that caused his death.

About the process, it was challenging because we wanted to add piano voices and our story should be about that piano. So, we created our story in 2 days. Then, adding our voices and adding different sound effects were also difficult because we should adjust the sound effects simultaneously with our voices. So, we used FL Studio which is a mixer program. It was also quite fun because adding those kinda sound effects into our own story was good.

If you ask me whether you would give a similar task to your students, I would say yes because it helps students to create something so it develops creativity. Also, when students create their own podcast they say to themself that this story is theirs they created that. However, the disadvantage is that it is challenging and some students might don’t know about using a mixer program. So that is all about my podcast. I hope you enjoy it. Goodbye.

Also, you can check Çağrı’s blog via this link.

21st-century learning and teaching

When we look for the contents of 21st-century learning and teaching we see the technology in the first place. Technology has a huge role both in learning and teaching. As for learners, there are countless alternative sources on the internet for their homework, assignments, essays, etc. If they want to collect information, they can look at the wiki, blogs, or websites. Also, if students want to communicate with people from other countries to improve their foreign language it is much easier than before. Technology made education global. So, there are lots of resources where learners can gather information; however, sometimes these resources have false information too. So, the role that technology has in learning and teaching can also be a disadvantage for learners.

What are some features that 21st-century learners have? They can communicate with their teachers even out of school thanks to the internet. So, they are both communicative and collaborative. Also, they analyze the information and evaluate them by critical thinking. And, of course, they use their problem-solving skill whenever they face difficulty. When we look at the class activities, learners are more productive and interactive in the 21st-century.

When we look at the teachers we can say that they need to adapt to this. Because it is easier with technological stuff to present new things to learners and make them understand and also make them use that information in their lives. For example, when we try to demonstrate new words to students as English teachers we can use images on the internet or we can use videos. So, that’s what I understand from 21st-century learning and teaching. Thanks for your attention!

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What is this blog?

Questions About Content?

I  hear some voices that ask what this blog is about? First of all, welcome to my blog. And secondly, if you want to learn who I am please look at the first post and you will see the things about me. So, you looked at the ”about me” page, and now you know I will have some assignments and activities about one of my courses which is ”Educational Technologies”. 

What will these assignments be about? 

My Assignments will be about the class discussions on specific topics and these topics are the content of Educational Technologies as you can imagine. In today’s world education systems in countries use technology to improve learning skills. And, technology-free education began to be considered simple and inadequate education. Therefore, my first mission is to give pieces of information about ” how education is united with technology and why it is important”.

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